Rural Nevada Development Corporation Logo

Homeowner, Housing Rehabilitation Program

The Homeowner, Housing Rehabilitation Program assists low-income homeowners with repairs to their home. These improvements can address any Health and Safety Issues, Energy Conservation Measures, or Handicap Accessibility Needs.

Please contact Doreen Venturino, Housing Programs Manager or Meg Rhoades, Housing Programs Clerk, with any questions regarding our Homeowner, Housing Rehabilitation program.

Program Application


  • Applicants must own the home and the property on which it is located. Property with existing mortgages are eligible. Reverse mortgages are not eligible.
  • Homeowners must carry and provide proof of homeowners insurance (flood insurance, if applicable) to adequately cover all existing mortgages on the property, including the grant, for the period of affordability. At completion of construction, homeowner will be required to list RNDC as an additional loss payee on the policy.
  • The grant is secured by an interest free rehabilitation agreement between the applicant and RNDC a Deed of Trust, to the benefit of the applicable agency providing the funding.
  • Applicants acknowledge the approval of funds to complete rehabilitation is contingent upon the availability of funds in their region and their current status on the waiting list.

Funding: (pending availability and region)

  • Nevada Housing Division Home Means Nevada Initiative (HMNI) 3 year forgivable lien.

Eligible Counties:

  • Churchill
  • Douglas
  • Elko
  • Esmeralda
  • Eureka
  • Humboldt
  • Lander
  • Lincoln
  • Lyon
  • Mineral
  • Nye
  • Pershing
  • Storey
  • White Pine
  • Carson

Before and Afters

See Us at Work

Weatherization and Homeowner Rehabilitation before and after photos.

Homeowner Rehabilitation and Weatherization – Encapsulate lead based paint hazardous exterior. Install energy efficient windows.

Homeowner Rehabilitation – Partnered with USDA Rural Development Repaired deteriorated exterior and skirting. Installed ADA Accessible wheelchair ramp.

Repaired deteriorated patio, replaced decking, installed steps.

Homeowner Rehabilitation – Install ADA accessible ramp.

Weatherization – Replace deteriorated door.

We are hard at work. Weatherization – Blower Door testing and installing energy efficient windows.

Rehabilitation Contacts


Download full application here

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